Wednesday, May 6, 2020

In Cold Blood Literary Analysis - 765 Words

In the nonfiction novel, In Cold Blood, written by Truman Capote a family The Clutter Family’ is brutally murdered by, Perry Edward Smith and Richard Eugene Hickock, two killers in the small farming community of Holcomb, Kansas. Writer Truman Capote was born on September 30, 1924, in New Orleans, Louisiana. Capotes nonfiction novels are seen as literary masterpieces. In Cold Blood is a non-fiction novel it was first published in 1966 and it details the deaths of the Clutter family, in the small farming community of Holcomb Kansas. How does the Truman Capote create a mood of anxiety in the book? In the book, Capote often sets an intense tone and drag it out for as long as it can go. This puts the reader on the edge of his seat for two or†¦show more content†¦At this point, we have gotten to know Richard and Perry, and Capote gave the perception that Perry was just riding along with Richard and was a less violent one. We have learned how The Clutter family was killed. We learn a few details about Mr.Bell like a middle-aged traveling salesman and he was only a hundred miles from his destination, Omaha Nebraska, which was the headquarters of the large meat packing company for which he worked. After learning a little about Mr. Bell the reader is told that Mr. Bell, entirely unaware of his guests’ intentions, which included throttling him with a belt and leaving him, robbed of his car, his money, and his life (Capote 261) They planned to kill him and take his car. The reader getting to know that Richard and Perry are planning to kill Mr.Bell put the reader on edge. Throughout this chapter Parry is perceived as the aggressive and angry guy; this was completely different from what the reader has seen in the past. The feeling of anxiety intensified when Perry is reminded of his father, which was very abusive, and wanted to killer Mr.Bell fast. Just as Perry was about to smash him in the head, Mr. Bell slowed down to pick up another set of hitchh ikers. This chapter made the reader feel anxious because a crisis is presented in an instant, and the reader is forced to sit through and watch a character, Perry, who the reader felt bad for inShow MoreRelatedIn Cold Blood Literary Analysis1577 Words   |  7 PagesLiterary Analysis of In Cold Blood In Cold Blood, written by Truman Capote, is a book that encloses the true story of a family, the Clutters, whose lives were brutally ended by the barrel of a 12-gauge shotgun. The killers were 2 men, each with 2 different backgrounds and personalities, each with his own reasons to take part in such a harrowing deed. Capote illustrates the events leading up to the murder in sharp detail and describes its aftermath with such a perspective that one feels that he isRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of In Cold Blood By Truman Capote1080 Words   |  5 Pages Literary Analysis of In Cold Blood The nonfiction novel, In Cold Blood by Truman Capote takes place in the small and quiet town of Holcomb, Kansas. Capote takes the reader through the sequence of events that transpired before, during, and after the Clutter family was murdered on November 15, 1959. He describes in detail the background of each of the main characters. This helps to clarify the motives of Richard Hickock and Perry Smith as they murder the Clutters. He illustrates how a positive orRead MoreTruman Capote and Postmodernism1398 Words   |  6 Pagesas with penning great words, was a writer who became as well-known for his late-night talk show appearances as for his prose† (Patterson 1). Capote was a literary pop star at the height of his fame in 1966, after he had written such classic books as, Other Rooms, Other Voices, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, and In Cold Blood. Postmodernism was a literary period that began after the Second World War and was a rejection of traditional writing techniques. 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